Spectral transmission of the optical media of the human eye with respect to keratitis and cataract formation

Spectral transmission of the optical media of the human eye with respect to keratitis and cataract formation

Ambach,W.; Blumthaler,M.; Schopf,T.; Ambach,E.; Katzgraber,F.; Daxecker,F.; Daxer,A.;

The spectral transmissions of cornea, aqueous humour, lens and vitreous humour of human eyes were measured in the range from 250 nm to 800 nm in 1 nm steps using a high resolution double monochromator. Cornea and lens are good cut off filters; 1% transmission was measured in various cornea samples between 291 and 298 nm, and in different lenses between 389 and 414 nm. Aqueous humour and vitreous humour showed high transparency (80%) at lambda > 320 nm. The wavelength range of keratitis effective irradiance was found to be completely within the wavelength range of absorption of the cornea, that of cataract effective irradiance was found to be at the short wavelength end partly outside the wavelength range of absorption of the lens. It may therefore be supposed that the action spectrum of cataract obtained by animal experiments is applicable to the human eye only with certain reservations

Doc.Ophthalmol 1994 88(2):165-173