Baubin,M.; Rabl,W.; Pfeiffer,K.P.; Benzer,A.; Gilly,H.;
In a prospective study of 38 cadavers of patients older than 18 without previous chest injury or cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), active compression-decompression (ACD) resuscitation manoeuvres were performed to determine possible factors influencing sternal and/or rib fractures. ACD was performed for 60 s, with compression and decompression forces being continuously recorded. A stepwise logistic regression analysis was applied. Factors analyzed were age, gender, use of a compression cushion beneath the piston of the ACD device (Ambu CardioPump), and maximal compression and decompression forces. After ACD, the cadavers were autopsied and thoracic injuries were assessed. There was a significant correlation between sternal fractures and gender (P = 0.008), and between rib fractures and age (P = 0.008). Women were found to have a higher risk for sternal fractures, whereas older patients had a higher risk for rib fractures. Maximal compression force was another factor in sternal and/or rib fracture (P = 0.048). Even though a significantly higher incidence of sternal fractures was observed when the compression cushion was used (P = 0.045), inclusion of this variable in the regression analysis only marginally improved the prediction for correct classification of sternal fractures. In conclusion, when well controlled ACD-CPR is performed in cadavers, age is the most important factor determining the incidence of rib fracture. Sternal fractures were more common in female cadavers
Resuscitation 1999 43(1):9-15