Forensic characterization and statistical considerations of the CaDNAP 13-STR panel in 1,184 domestic dogs from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland

Berger,B.; Heinrich,J.; Niederstätter,H.; Hecht,W.; Morf,N.; Hellmann,A.; Rohleder,U.; Schleenbecker,U.; Berger,C.; Parson,W.; CaDnapGroup; Crime scene samples originating from domestic dogs such as hair, blood, or saliva can be probative as possible transfer evidence in human crime and in dog attack cases. In the majority of such cases canine DNA identification using short tandem repeat (STR) analysis is the method of choice, which demands, among others, a systematic survey of allele frequency data in the relevant dog populations. [Read More]

HIrisPlex-S system for eye, hair, and skin color prediction from DNA: Massively parallel sequencing solutions for two common forensically used platforms

Breslin,K.; Wills,B.; Ralf,A.; VentayolGarcia,M.; Kukla-Bartoszek,M.; Pospiech,E.; Freire-Aradas,A.; Xavier,C.; Ingold,S.; deLaPuente,M.; vanderGaag,K.J.; Herrick,N.; Haas,C.; Parson,W.; Phillips,C.; Sijen,T.; Branicki,W.; Walsh,S.; Kayser,M.; Forensic DNA Phenotyping (FDP) provides the ability to predict externally visible characteristics from minute amounts of crime scene DNA, which can help find unknown perpetrators who are typically unidentifiable via conventional forensic DNA profiling. Fundamental human genetics research has led to a better understanding of the specific DNA variants responsible for physical appearance characteristics, particularly eye, hair, and skin color. [Read More]

MAPlex - A massively parallel sequencing ancestry analysis multiplex for Asia-Pacific populations

Phillips,C.; McNevin,D.; Kidd,K.K.; Lagace,R.; Wootton,S.; delaPuente,M.; Freire-Aradas,A.; Mosquera-Miguel,A.; Eduardoff,M.; Gross,T.; Dagostino,L.; Power,D.; Olson,S.; Hashiyada,M.; Oz,C.; Parson,W.; Schneider,P.M.; Lareu,M.V.; Daniel,R.; Current forensic ancestry-informative panels are limited in their ability to differentiate populations in the Asia-Pacific region. MAPlex (Multiplex for the Asia-Pacific), a massively parallel sequencing (MPS) assay, was developed to improve differentiation of East Asian, South Asian and Near Oceanian populations found in the extensive cross-continental Asian region that shows complex patterns of admixture at its margins. [Read More]

Massively parallel sequence data of 31 autosomal STR loci from 496 Spanish individuals revealed concordance with CE-STR technology and enhanced discrimination power

Barrio,P.A.; Martin,P.; Alonso,A.; Müller,P.; Bodner,M.; Berger,B.; Parson,W.; Budowle,B.; DnaseqexConsortium; This study reports Short Tandem Repeat (STR) sequence-based allele data from 496 Spanish individuals across 31 autosomal STR (auSTR) loci included in the Precision ID GlobalFiler NGS STR Panel v2: D12S391, D13S317, D8S1179, D21S11, D3S1358, D5S818, D1S1656, D2S1338, vWA, D2S441, D5S2800, D7S820, D16S539, D6S474, D12ATA63, D4S2408, D6S1043, D19S433, D14S1434, CSF1PO, D10S1248, D18S51, D1S1677, D22S1045, D2S1776, D3S4529, FGA, Penta D, Penta E, TH01 and TPOX. [Read More]

Mitochondrial DNA analysis of a Viking age mass grave in Sweden

Bus,M.M.; Lembring,M.; Kjellstrom,A.; Strobl,C.; Zimmermann,B.; Parson,W.; Allen,M.; In 1998, a Viking Age mass grave was discovered and excavated at St. Laurence s churchyard in Sigtuna, Sweden. The excavated bones underwent osteoarchaeological analysis and were assigned to at least 19 individuals. Eleven skeletons showed sharp force trauma from bladed weapons. Mass graves are an unusual finding from this time period, making the burial context extraordinary. To investigate a possible maternal kinship among the individuals, bones and teeth from the skeletal remains were selected for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis. [Read More]