Towards broadening Forensic DNA Phenotyping beyond pigmentation: Improving the prediction of head hair shape from DNA
Pospiech,E.; Chen,Y.; Kukla-Bartoszek,M.; Breslin,K.; Aliferi,A.; Andersen,J.D.; Ballard,D.; Chaitanya,L.; Freire-Aradas,A.; vanderGaag,K.J.; Giron-Santamaria,L.; Gross,T.E.; Gysi,M.; Huber,G.; Mosquera-Miguel,A.; Muralidharan,C.; Skowron,M.; Carracedo,A.; Haas,C.; Morling,N.; Parson,W.; Phillips,C.; Schneider,P.M.; Sijen,T.; Syndercombe-Court,D.; Vennemann,M.; Wu,S.; Xu,S.; Jin,L.; Wang,S.; Zhu,G.; Martin,N.G.; Medland,S.E.; Branicki,W.; Walsh,S.; Liu,F.; Kayser,M.; E.UROFORGEN-NoEConsortium;
Human head hair shape, commonly classified as straight, wavy, curly or frizzy, is an attractive target for Forensic DNA Phenotyping and other applications of human appearance prediction from DNA such as in paleogenetics.
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