Current status of non-targeted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry in forensic toxicology

Oberacher,H.; Arnhard,K.; A core task of any forensic toxicology lab is providing comprehensive information on the chemical composition of evidence. This mission can only be accomplished by combining efficient detection techniques with reliable identification procedures. A competent approach for the sensitive detection of a large variety of potentially toxic compounds is liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). The concept of non-targeted analysis is realized by applying either data-dependent or data-independent acquisition strategies. [Read More]

D5S2500 is an ambiguously characterized STR: Identification and description of forensic microsatellites in the genomics age

Phillips,C.; Parson,W.; Amigo,J.; King,J.L.; Coble,M.D.; Steffen,C.R.; Vallone,P.M.; Gettings,K.B.; Butler,J.M.; Budowle,B.; In the process of establishing short tandem repeat (STR) sequence variant nomenclature guidelines in anticipation of expanded forensic multiplexes for massively parallel sequencing (MPS), it was discovered that the STR D5S2500 has multiple positions and genomic characteristics reported. This ambiguity is because the marker named D5S2500 consists of two different microsatellites forming separate components in the capillary electrophoresis multiplexes of Qiagen’s HDplex (Hilden, Germany) and AGCU ScienTech’s non-CODIS STR 21plex (Wuxi, Jiangsu, China). [Read More]

Differences in urbanization degree and consequences on the diversity of conventional vs. rapidly mutating Y-STRs in five municipalities from a small region of the Tyrolean Alps in Austria

Niederstatter,H.; Berger,B.; Kayser,M.; Parson,W.; In this study we set out to test at a micro-geographic scale for the potential effects of differences in urbanization degree on Y-chromosomal diversity and the paternal lineage differentiation of “conventional” and rapidly-mutating (RM) Y-STR markers. To avoid systematic underrepresentation of common lineages, 551 male samples were collected under a sampling regime allowing for the inclusion of paternal relatives. All participants came from a small, topographically highly structured, yet culturally homogeneous settlement area in the Tyrolean Alps of Austria, a region that is characterized by a longstanding coexistence of communities differing considerably in size and connection. [Read More]

DNA Commission of the International Society for Forensic Genetics: Recommendations on the validation of software programs performing biostatistical calculations for forensic genetics applications

Coble,M.D.; Buckleton,J.; Butler,J.M.; Egeland,T.; Fimmers,R.; Gill,P.; Gusmao,L.; Guttman,B.; Krawczak,M.; Morling,N.; Parson,W.; Pinto,N.; Schneider,P.M.; Sherry,S.T.; Willuweit,S.; Prinz,M.; The use of biostatistical software programs to assist in data interpretation and calculate likelihood ratios is essential to forensic geneticists and part of the daily case work flow for both kinship and DNA identification laboratories. Previous recommendations issued by the DNA Commission of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG) covered the application of bio-statistical evaluations for STR typing results in identification and kinship cases, and this is now being expanded to provide best practices regarding validation and verification of the software required for these calculations. [Read More]

Efforts of the human immune system to maintain the peripheral CD8+T cell compartment after childhood thymectomy

Zlamy,M.; Almanzar,G.; Parson,W.; Schmidt,C.; Leierer,J.; Weinberger,B.; Jeller,V.; Unsinn,K.; Eyrich,M.; Wurzner,R.; Prelog,M.; Background: Homeostatic mechanisms to maintain the T cell compartment diversity indicate an ongoing process of thymic activity and peripheral T cell renewal during human life. These processes are expected to be accelerated after childhood thymectomy and by the influence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) inducing a prematurely aged immune system. The study aimed to investigate proportional changes and replicative history of CD8+ T cells, of recent thymic emigrants (RTEs) and CD103+ T cells (mostly gut-experienced) and the role of Interleukin-(IL)-7 and IL-7 receptor (CD127)-expressing T cells in thymectomized patients compared to young and old healthy controls. [Read More]