Evaluation of the predictive capacity of DNA variants associated with straight hair in Europeans
Pospiech,E.; Karlowska-Pik,J.; Marcinska,M.; Abidi,S.; Andersen,J.D.; vandenBerge,M.; Carracedo,A.; Eduardoff,M.; Freire-Aradas,A.; Morling,N.; Sijen,T.; Skowron,M.; Sochtig,J.; Syndercombe-Court,D.; Weiler,N.; Schneider,P.M.; Ballard,D.; Borsting,C.; Parson,W.; Phillips,C.; Branicki,W.; E.UROFORGEN-NoEConsortium;
DNA-based prediction of hair morphology, defined as straight, curly or wavy hair, could contribute to an improved description of an unknown offender and allow more accurate forensic reconstructions of physical appearance in the field of forensic DNA phenotyping. Differences in scalp hair morphology are significant at the worldwide scale and within Europe.
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