Replenishment of the B cell compartment after doxorubicin-induced hematopoietic toxicity is facilitated by STAT1

Datta,S.; Parajuli,N.; Tymoszuk,P.; Ottina,E.; Parson,W.; Sgonc,R.; Villunger,A.; Doppler,W.; STAT1 serves as an important regulator in the response to pathogens, oncogenic transformation, and genotoxic insults. It exerts these effects by shaping the innate and adaptive immune response and by participating in genotoxic stress pathways, leading to apoptosis and inhibition of cell proliferation. We have investigated the role of STAT1 in hematopoietic toxicity induced by doxorubicin in STAT1-proficient and -deficient mice. Whereas the early genotoxic effect of doxorubicin did not depend on STAT1, expression of STAT1 was required for efficient B lymphocyte repopulation in the recovery phase. [Read More]

RNA/DNA co-analysis from human menstrual blood and vaginal secretion stains: results of a fourth and fifth collaborative EDNAP exercise

Haas,C.; Hanson,E.; Anjos,M.J.; Ballantyne,K.N.; Banemann,R.; Bhoelai,B.; Borges,E.; Carvalho,M.; Courts,C.; DeCock,G.; Drobnic,K.; Dotsch,M.; Fleming,R.; Franchi,C.; Gomes,I.; Hadzic,G.; Harbison,S.A.; Harteveld,J.; Hjort,B.; Hollard,C.; Hoff-Olsen,P.; Huls,C.; Keyser,C.; Maronas,O.; McCallum,N.; Moore,D.; Morling,N.; Niederstätter,H.; Noel,F.; Parson,W.; Phillips,C.; Popielarz,C.; Roeder,A.D.; Salvaderi,L.; Sauer,E.; Schneider,P.M.; Shanthan,G.; Court,D.S.; Turanska,M.; vanOorschot,R.A.; Vennemann,M.; Vidaki,A.; Zatkalikova,L.; Ballantyne,J.; The European DNA Profiling Group (EDNAP) organized a fourth and fifth collaborative exercise on RNA/DNA co-analysis for body fluid identification and STR profiling. The task was to identify dried menstrual blood and vaginal secretion stains using specific RNA biomarkers, and additionally test 3 housekeeping genes for their suitability as reference genes. [Read More]

Splice variant transcripts of the anterior gradient 2 gene as a marker of prostate cancer

Neeb,A.; Hefele,S.; Bormann,S.; Parson,W.; Adams,F.; Wolf,P.; Miernik,A.; Schoenthaler,M.; Kroenig,M.; Wilhelm,K.; Schultze-Seemann,W.; Nestel,S.; Schaefer,G.; Bu,H.; Klocker,H.; Nazarenko,I.; Cato,A.C.; Anterior gradient 2 (AGR2) is a gene predominantly expressed in mucus-secreting tissues or in endocrine cells. Its expression is drastically increased in tumors including prostate cancer. Here we investigated whether AGR2 transcript levels can be used as a biomarker to detect prostate cancer (PCa). Using a PCR-based approach, we could show that in addition to the wild-type (AGRwt long and short) transcripts, five other AGR2 splice variants (SV) (referred to as AGR2 SV-C, -E, -F, -G and -H) were present in cancer cell lines. [Read More]