Studying the reducing potencies of antioxidants with the electrochemistry inherently present in electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry

Plattner,S.; Erb,R.; Chervet,J.P.; Oberacher,H.; In this proof-of-principle study, the applicability of electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) to characterize the reducing potencies of natural antioxidants is demonstrated. The ESI source represents a controlled-current electrochemical cell. The interfacial potential at the emitter electrode will be at or near the electrochemical potential of those reactions that sufficiently supply all the required current for the ESI circuit. Indicator molecules prone to oxidation in ESI such as amodiaquine were used to visualize the impact of reducing compounds on the interfacial potential. [Read More]

The side population of ovarian cancer cells defines a heterogeneous compartment exhibiting stem cell characteristics

Boesch,M.; Zeimet,A.G.; Reimer,D.; Schmidt,S.; Gastl,G.; Parson,W.; Spoeck,F.; Hatina,J.; Wolf,D.; Sopper,S.; Cancer stem cells (CSC) are believed to be involved in tumor evasion of classical antitumor therapies and have thus become an attractive target for further improvement of anticancer strategies. However, the existence and identity of CSC are still a matter of controversy. In a systematic screen of 13 ovarian cancer cell lines we show that cells with stem cell properties are reliably detectable as a minor population, characterized by ABC transporter expression resulting in the side population (SP) phenotype. [Read More]

Toward male individualization with rapidly mutating y-chromosomal short tandem repeats

Ballantyne,K.N.; Ralf,A.; Aboukhalid,R.; Achakzai,N.M.; Anjos,M.J.; Ayub,Q.; Balazic,J.; Ballantyne,J.; Ballard,D.J.; Berger,B.; Bobillo,C.; Bouabdellah,M.; Burri,H.; Capal,T.; Caratti,S.; Cardenas,J.; Cartault,F.; Carvalho,E.F.; Carvalho,M.; Cheng,B.; Coble,M.D.; Comas,D.; Corach,D.; D’Amato,M.E.; Davison,S.; deKnijff,P.; DeUngria,M.C.; Decorte,R.; Dobosz,T.; Dupuy,B.M.; Elmrghni,S.; Gliwinski,M.; Gomes,S.C.; Grol,L.; Haas,C.; Hanson,E.; Henke,J.; Henke,L.; Herrera-Rodriguez,F.; Hill,C.R.; Holmlund,G.; Honda,K.; Immel,U.D.; Inokuchi,S.; Jobling,M.A.; Kaddura,M.; Kim,J.S.; Kim,S.H.; Kim,W.; King,T.E.; Klausriegler,E.; Kling,D.; Kovacevic,L.; Kovatsi,L.; Krajewski,P.; Kravchenko,S.; Larmuseau,M.H.; Lee,E.Y.; Lessig,R.; Livshits,L.A.; Marjanovic,D.; Minarik,M.; Mizuno,N.; Moreira,H.; Morling,N.; Mukherjee,M.; Munier,P.; Nagaraju,J.; Neuhuber,F.; Nie,S.; Nilasitsataporn,P. [Read More]

Validation of two canine STR multiplex-assays following the ISFG recommendations for non-human DNA analysis

Berger,B.; Berger,C.; Hecht,W.; Hellmann,A.; Rohleder,U.; Schleenbecker,U.; Parson,W.; To gain general acceptance forensic DNA testing in animals needs to improve standardization of analysis methods and data interpretation. Recently, the International Society of Forensic Genetics (ISFG) took particular care of this topic by publishing recommendations for forensic non-human DNA analysis following the successful example of human DNA analysis in order to provide a basis for harmonization of the still existing inter-laboratory variability. By following these recommendations we demonstrate the performance of two short tandem repeat (STR) multiplexes for forensic identity testing of canine biological material. [Read More]