Fatal accident caused by isoflurane abuse

Fatal accident caused by isoflurane abuse

Pavlic,M.; Haidekker,A.; Grubwieser,P.; Rabl,W.;

A fatal accident after isoflurane abuse is presented in this report. A hospital employee was found dead in the operating area with a plastic bag over his head. In his locker an almost empty bottle of isoflurane was found. Autopsy revealed signs of asphyxiation and toxicological examination revealed nordazepam and isoflurane in non-toxic concentrations in the blood. Quantification of the anaesthetic was also carried out in urine, gastric contents, liver, kidney and brain samples, and in addition, oxazepam, prothipendyl and metabolites of midazolam and prothipendyl were found in the urine. Although the drug problems of the deceased were known before, no efforts had been made to restrict access to these drugs

Int J Legal Med 2002 116(6):357-360
PubMed: 12596784