Brion,M.; Dupuy,B.M.; Heinrich,M.; Hohoff,C.; Hoste,B.; Ludes,B.; Mevag,B.; Morling,N.; Niederstätter,H.; Parson,W.; Sanchez,J.; Bender,K.; Siebert,N.; Thacker,C.; Vide,C.; Carracedo,A.;
A collaborative study was carried out by the European DNA Profiling Group (EDNAP) in order to evaluate the performance of Y-chromosome binary polymorphism analysis in different European laboratories. Four blood samples were sent to the laboratories, to be analysed for 11 Y-chromosome single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs): SRY-1532, M40, M35, M213, M9, 92R7, M17, P25, M18, M153 and M167. All the labs were also asked to submit a population study including these markers. All participating laboratories reported the same results, indicating the reproducibility and robustness of Y-chromosome SNP typing. A total of 535 samples from six different European populations were also analysed. In Galicia (NW Spain) and Belgium, the most frequent haplogroup was R1b*(xR1b1,R1b3df). Haplogroup F*(xK) is one of the most frequent in Austria and Denmark, while the lowest frequency appear in Belgium. Haplogroup frequencies found in this collaborative study were compared with previously published European Y-chromosome haplogroup data
Forensic Sci Int 2005 153(2-3):103-108
PubMed: 16024201