Application of a quasi-median network analysis for the visualization of character conflicts to a population sample of mitochondrial DNA control region sequences from southern Germany (Ulm)

Application of a quasi-median network analysis for the visualization of character conflicts to a population sample of mitochondrial DNA control region sequences from southern Germany (Ulm)

Brandstätter,A.; Klein,R.; Duftner,N.; Wiegand,P.; Parson,W.;

Entire mtDNA control region sequences from 100 individuals in a west Eurasian population sample from southern Germany (around the city of Ulm) were generated and analyzed. The control region was amplified in one piece and sequenced with ten different sequencing primers. Sequence evaluation was performed independently. Phylogenetic analyses were used for quality assurance purposes and for the determination of the haplogroup affiliation of the samples. The sequences were scrutinized performing a quasi-median network analysis. To visualize character conflicts, frequent mutations were filtered, and the reduced data were represented by the torso of their quasi-median network. Character incompatibilities were found to be based on real biological patterns of homoplasy. The population data will be incorporated in the EMPOP database ( )

Int J Legal Med 2006 120(5):310-314
PubMed: 16871406