Validation of two canine STR multiplex-assays following the ISFG recommendations for non-human DNA analysis

Validation of two canine STR multiplex-assays following the ISFG recommendations for non-human DNA analysis

Berger,B.; Berger,C.; Hecht,W.; Hellmann,A.; Rohleder,U.; Schleenbecker,U.; Parson,W.;

To gain general acceptance forensic DNA testing in animals needs to improve standardization of analysis methods and data interpretation. Recently, the International Society of Forensic Genetics (ISFG) took particular care of this topic by publishing recommendations for forensic non-human DNA analysis following the successful example of human DNA analysis in order to provide a basis for harmonization of the still existing inter-laboratory variability. By following these recommendations we demonstrate the performance of two short tandem repeat (STR) multiplexes for forensic identity testing of canine biological material. Thirteen STRs and two sex-specific markers were selected and validated according to the ISFG guidelines. Population genetic parameters were calculated based on 295 dog samples collected in Austria (124) and Germany (171). A repeat-based nomenclature of the mainly tetrameric STRs and corresponding allelic ladders are presented. All 146 different alleles included in the ladders were sequenced for correct allele calling. Additionally, a canine cell line (DH82-D3167) was evaluated as standard reference material.

Forensic Sci Int Genet 2014 8:90-100
PubMed: 24315595