A chromatographic and spectroscopic analytical platform for the characterization of St John’s wort extract adulterations
Huck-Pezzei,V.A.; Bittner,L.K.; Pallua,J.D.; Sonderegger,H.; Abel,G.; Popp,M.; Bonn,G.K.; Huck,C.W.; -
Association of Polymorphisms in Pharmacogenetic Candidate Genes (OPRD1, GAL, ABCB1, OPRM1) with Opioid Dependence in European Population: A Case-Control Study
Beer,B.; Erb,R.; Pavlic,M.; Ulmer,H.; Giacomuzzi,S.; Riemer,Y.; Oberacher,H.; -
Bright ambient light conditions reduce the effect of tryptophan depletion in healthy females
Defrancesco,M.; Niederstätter,H.; Parson,W.; Kemmler,G.; Hinterhuber,H.; Marksteiner,J.; Deisenhammer,E.A.; -
Can clinical CT data improve forensic reconstruction?
Schuh,P.; Scheurer,E.; Fritz,K.; Pavlic,M.; Hassler,E.; Rienmuller,R.; Yen,K.; -
Carriers of the COMT Met/Met allele have higher degrees of hypnotizability, provided that they have good attentional control: a case of gene-trait interaction
Rominger,C.; Weiss,E.M.; Nagl,S.; Niederstätter,H.; Parson,W.; Papousek,I.; -
Characterization of mitochondrial DNA control region lineages in Iraq
Al-Zahery,N.; Saunier,J.; Ellingson,K.; Parson,W.; Parsons,T.J.; Irwin,J.A.; -
Chimerism in DNA of buccal swabs from recipients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantations: implications for forensic DNA testing
Berger,B.; Parson,R.; Clausen,J.; Berger,C.; Nachbaur,D.; Parson,W.; -
Comparison of NIR chemical imaging with conventional NIR, Raman and ATR-IR spectroscopy for quantification of furosemide crystal polymorphs in ternary powder mixtures
Schönbichler,S.A.; Bittner,L.K.; Weiss,A.K.; Griesser,U.J.; Pallua,J.D.; Huck,C.W.; -
Comparison of morphological and molecular genetic sex-typing on mediaeval human skeletal remains
Bauer,C.M.; Niederstätter,H.; McGlynn,G.; Stadler,H.; Parson,W.; -
Comprehensive Systematic Toxicological Analysis of Human Body Fluids by Parallel LC/MS/MS and GC/MS Analysis
Pitterl,F.; köb,S.; Pitterle,J.; Schubert,B.; Libiseller,K.; Oberacher,H.; -
Concept for estimating mitochondrial DNA haplogroups using a maximum likelihood approach (EMMA)
Röck,A.W.; Dür,A.; van,Oven M.; Parson,W.; -
Detection and identification of drugs and toxicants in human body fluids by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry under data-dependent acquisition control and automated database search
Oberacher,H.; Schubert,B.; Libiseller,K.; Schweissgut,A.; -
Evaluation of next generation mtGenome sequencing using the Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine (PGM)
Parson,W.; Strobl,C.; Huber,G.; Zimmermann,B.; Gomes,S.M.; Souto,L.; Fendt,L.; Delport,R.; Langit,R.; Wootton,S.; Lagace,R.; Irwin,J.; -
Evaluation of the sensitivity of the ‘Wiley registry of tandem mass spectral data, MSforID’ with MS/MS data of the ‘NIST/NIH/EPA mass spectral library’
Oberacher,H.; Whitley,G.; Berger,B.; -
Future Analytical Techniques: DNA Mass Spectrometry
Parson,W.; Hofstadler,S.; -
GHEP-ISFG proficiency test 2011: Paper challenge on evaluation of mitochondrial DNA results
Prieto,L.; Alves,C.; Zimmermann,B.; Tagliabracci,A.; Prieto,V.; Montesino,M.; Whittle,M.R.; Anjos,M.J.; Cardoso,S.; Heinrichs,B.; Hernandez,A.; Lopez-Parra,A.M.; Sala,A.; Saragoni,V.G.; Burgos,G.; Marino,M.; Paredes,M.; Mora-Torres,C.A.; Angulo,R.; Chemale,G.; Vullo,C.; Sanchez-Simon,M.; Comas,D.; Puente,J.; Lopez-Cubria,C.M.; Modesti,N.; Aler,M.; Merigioli,S.; Betancor,E.; Pedrosa,S.; Plaza,G.; Masciovecchio,M.V.; Schneider,P.M.; Parson,W.; -
High resolution mapping of Y haplogroup G in Tyrol (Austria)
Berger,B.; Niederstätter,H.; Erhart,D.; Gassner,C.; Schennach,H.; Parson,W.; -
Internet Accessible Population Databases: YHRD and EMPOP
Roewer,L.; Parson,W.; -
Life Science Applications of Electrochemistry Coupled to (Liquid Chromatography-)Mass Spectrometry.
Oberacher,H.; Pitterl,F.; -
MALDI-MS tissue imaging identification of biliverdin reductase B overexpression in prostate cancer
Pallua,J.D.; Schaefer,G.; Seifarth,C.; Becker,M.; Meding,S.; Rauser,S.; Walch,A.; Handler,M.; Netzer,M.; Popovscaia,M.; Osl,M.; Baumgartner,C.; Lindner,H.; Kremser,L.; Sarg,B.; Bartsch,G.; Huck,C.W.; Bonn,G.K.; Klocker,H.; -
Mass spectrometric base composition profiling: Implications for forensic mtDNA databasing
Eduardoff,M.; Huber,G.; Bayer,B.; Schmid,D.; Anslinger,K.; Gobel,T.; Zimmermann,B.; Schneider,P.M.; Röck,A.W.; Parson,W.; -
Mitochondrial DNA
Parson,W.; -
Molecular genetic investigations on Austria’s patron saint Leopold III
Bauer,C.M.; Bodner,M.; Niederstätter,H.; Niederwieser,D.; Huber,G.; Hatzer-Grubwieser,P.; Holubar,K.; Parson,W.; -
Multiple recurrent mutations at four human Y-chromosomal single nucleotide polymorphism sites in a 37bp sequence tract on the ARSDP1 pseudogene
Niederstätter,H.; Berger,B.; Erhart,D.; Willuweit,S.; Geppert,M.; Gassner,C.; Schennach,H.; Parson,W.; Roewer,L.; -
New guidelines for the publication of genetic population data
Carracedo,A.; Butler,J.M.; Gusmao,L.; Linacre,A.; Parson,W.; Roewer,L.; Schneider,P.M.; -
Psychosocial state after bariatric surgery is associated with the serotonin-transporter promoter polymorphism
Defrancesco,M.; Liebaert,J.; Kemmler,G.; Aigner,F.; Niederstätter,H.; Parson,W.; Kinzl,J.F.; -
RNA/DNA co-analysis from human saliva and semen stains - Results of a third collaborative EDNAP exercise
Haas,C.; Hanson,E.; Anjos,M.J.; Banemann,R.; Berti,A.; Borges,E.; Carracedo,A.; Carvalho,M.; Courts,C.; De,Cock G.; Dotsch,M.; Flynn,S.; Gomes,I.; Hollard,C.; Hjort,B.; Hoff-Olsen,P.; Hribikova,K.; Lindenbergh,A.; Ludes,B.; Maronas,O.; McCallum,N.; Moore,D.; Morling,N.; Niederstätter,H.; Noel,F.; Parson,W.; Popielarz,C.; Rapone,C.; Roeder,A.D.; Ruiz,Y.; Sauer,E.; Schneider,P.M.; Sijen,T.; Court DS; Sviezena,B.; Turanska,M.; Vidaki,A.; Zatkalikova,L.; Ballantyne,J.; -
Serotonin transporter genotype (5-HTTLPR) and electrocortical responses indicating the sensitivity to negative emotional cues
Papousek,I.; Reiser,E.M.; Schulter,G.; Fink,A.; Holmes,E.A.; Niederstätter,H.; Nagl,S.; Parson,W.; Weiss,E.M.; -
Simultaneous quantification of verbenalin and verbascoside in Verbena officinalis by ATR-IR and NIR spectroscopy
Schönbichler,S.A.; Bittner,L.K.; Pallua,J.D.; Popp,M.; Abel,G.; Bonn,G.K.; Huck,C.W.; -
Testing an alternative search algorithm for compound identification with the ‘Wiley Registry of Tandem Mass Spectral Data, MSforID’
Oberacher,H.; Whitley,G.; Berger,B.; Weinmann,W.; -
Therapy-resistant acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cells inactivate FOXO3 to escape apoptosis induction by TRAIL and Noxa
Ausserlechner,M.J.; Salvador,C.; Deutschmann,A.; Bodner,M.; Viola,G.; Bortolozzi,R.; Basso,G.; Hagenbuchner,J.; Obexer,P.;