The Breed Makes the Difference

The Breed Makes the Difference

The Breed Makes the Difference: Pedigree Composition, Canine STR Allele Frequencies, and Random Match Probabilities

Berger,B.; Berger,C.; Heinrich,J.; Hecht,W.; Hellmann,A.; Schleenbecker,U.; Rohleder,U.; Morf,N.; CaDNAP Group; Parson,W.

Domestic dogs are popular and as integral part in everyday life they can become relevant to forensic DNA analysis, which is typically conducted by canine STR analysis followed by assessing the weight of evidence of a matching DNA profile, e.g. by random match probability (RMP) calculations. Noteworthy in this context is the outstanding diversity of dogs. Breeders have exerted selective pressure throughout a long period creating the extraordinary variety of modern dog breeds, unparalleled in any other animal species.
