Cross sectional imaging and correlative cryosectioning in the shoulder and elbow by use of rotationcryotomy
Klestil,T.; Kathrein,A.; Judmaier,W.; Lener,M.; Rabl,W.; -
Ethanol content of Kefir water
Rabl,W.; Liniger,B.; Sutter,K.; Sigrist,T.; -
Optical characteristics of UV transmission of normal human epidermis
Ambach,W.; Blumthaler,M.; Schöpf,T.; Ambach,E.; Rabl,W.; Zelger,B.; Hinter,H.; -
Pathoanatomical Findings in Spina Trauma - Serial Cryoxectioning compared with Conventional Imaging Techniques
Kathrein,A.; Seykora,P.; Daniaux,H.; Klestil,T.; Rabl,W.; -
Schnittbilddiagnostik und korrelative Gefrierschnittuntersuchungen an Schulter und Ellenbogen mittels Rotationskryotomie (Poster)
Kathrein,A.; Klestil,T.; Judmaier,W.; Rabl,W.; -
Serial Cryosectioning - A helpful Tool for Basic Sciences in the Spine
Kathrein,A.; Seykora,P.; Daniaux,H.; Rabl,W.; Klestil,T.; -
Spectral transmission of the optical media of the human eye with respect to keratitis and cataract formation
Ambach,W.; Blumthaler,M.; Schopf,T.; Ambach,E.; Katzgraber,F.; Daxecker,F.; Daxer,A.; -
Stress distribution in the trochlear notch. A model of bicentric load transmission through joints
Eckstein,F.; Lohe,F.; Muller-Gerbl,M.; Steinlechner,M.; Putz,R.; -
Third-degree atrioventricular block in adult identical twins [letter]
Antretter,H.; Dapunt,O.E.; Rabl,W.; Ambach,E.; Zehethofer,K.; Mair,P.; Wiedermann,C.J.; -
Ultrasono-anatomy for evaluation of the local lymphatic groups of the mamma
Moriggl,B.; Steinlechner,M.; -
Äthanolgehalt des Wasser-Kefirs
Rabl,W.; Liniger,B.; Sutter,K.; Sigrist,Th;