A Novel Enzyme Immunoassay for the Detection of Buprenorphine, Norbuprenorphine and Their Glucuronides in Urine
Schubert,B.; Pitterl,F.; Saxl,B.; Pavlic,M.; -
A validated workflow for drug detection in oral fluid by non-targeted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Reinstadler,V.; Lierheimer,S.; Boettcher,M.; Oberacher,H.; -
Acyl-Alkyl-Phosphatidlycholines are Decreased in Saliva of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease as Identified by Targeted Metabolomics
Marksteiner,J.; Oberacher,H.; Humpel,C.; -
Annotating Nontargeted LC-HRMS/MS Data with Two Complementary Tandem Mass Spectral Libraries
Oberacher,H.; Reinstadler,V.; Kreidl,M.; Strays,M.A.; Hollender,J.; Schymanski,E.L.; -
Cerebrospinal Fluid Drug Concentrations and Clinical Outcome of Patients with Neoplastic Meningitis Treated with Liposomal Cytarabine
Bohn,J.P.; Reinstadler,V.; Pall,G.; Stockhammer,G.; Steurer,M.; Oberacher,H.; Wolf,D.; -
DNA Testing Reveals the Putative Identity of JB55, a 19th Century Vampire Buried in Griswold, Connecticut
Daniels-Higginbotham,J.; Gorden,E.M.; Farmer,S.K.; Spatola,B.; Damann,F.; Bellantoni,N.; Gagnon,K.S.; delaPuente,M.; Xavier,C.; Walsh,S.; Parson,W.; McMahon,T.P.; Marshall,C.; -
Das frühmittelalterliche Gräberfeld von Podersdorf am See (Burgenland, Ostösterreich) Veränderung der Bestattungssitten im diachronen Vergleich
Tobias,B.,; Saliari,K.; Draganits,E.; Musalek,C.; Wiltschke-Schrotta,K.; Waldner,T.; Totschnig,R.; Strobl,C.; Niederstätter,H.; Parson,W.; Skomorowski,R.; Löcker,K.; -
Evaluation of mitogenome sequence concordance, heteroplasmy detection, and haplogrouping in a worldwide lineage study using the Precision ID mtDNA Whole Genome Panel
Strobl,C.; ChurchillCihlar,J.; Lagace,R.; Wootton,S.; Roth,C.; Huber,N.; Schnaller,L.; Zimmermann,B.; Huber,G.; LayHong,S.; Moura-Neto,R.; Silva,R.; Alshamali,F.; Souto,L.; Anslinger,K.; Egyed,B.; Jankova-Ajanovska,R.; Casas-Vargas,A.; Usaquen,W.; Silva,D.; Barletta-Carrillo,C.; Tineo,D.H.; Vullo,C.; Würzner,R.; Xavier,C.; Gusmao,L.; Niederstätter,H.; Bodner,M.; Budowle,B.; Parson,W.; -
Forensic characterization and statistical considerations of the CaDNAP 13-STR panel in 1,184 domestic dogs from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
Berger,B.; Heinrich,J.; Niederstätter,H.; Hecht,W.; Morf,N.; Hellmann,A.; Rohleder,U.; Schleenbecker,U.; Berger,C.; Parson,W.; CaDnapGroup; -
HIrisPlex-S system for eye, hair, and skin color prediction from DNA: Massively parallel sequencing solutions for two common forensically used platforms
Breslin,K.; Wills,B.; Ralf,A.; VentayolGarcia,M.; Kukla-Bartoszek,M.; Pospiech,E.; Freire-Aradas,A.; Xavier,C.; Ingold,S.; deLaPuente,M.; vanderGaag,K.J.; Herrick,N.; Haas,C.; Parson,W.; Phillips,C.; Sijen,T.; Branicki,W.; Walsh,S.; Kayser,M.; -
MAPlex - A massively parallel sequencing ancestry analysis multiplex for Asia-Pacific populations
Phillips,C.; McNevin,D.; Kidd,K.K.; Lagace,R.; Wootton,S.; delaPuente,M.; Freire-Aradas,A.; Mosquera-Miguel,A.; Eduardoff,M.; Gross,T.; Dagostino,L.; Power,D.; Olson,S.; Hashiyada,M.; Oz,C.; Parson,W.; Schneider,P.M.; Lareu,M.V.; Daniel,R.; -
MVC: an integrated mitochondrial variant caller for forensics
Roth,C.; Parson,W.; Strobl,C.; Lagace,R.; Short,M.; -
Massively parallel sequence data of 31 autosomal STR loci from 496 Spanish individuals revealed concordance with CE-STR technology and enhanced discrimination power
Barrio,P.A.; Martin,P.; Alonso,A.; Müller,P.; Bodner,M.; Berger,B.; Parson,W.; Budowle,B.; DnaseqexConsortium; -
Mitochondrial DNA analysis of a Viking age mass grave in Sweden
Bus,M.M.; Lembring,M.; Kjellstrom,A.; Strobl,C.; Zimmermann,B.; Parson,W.; Allen,M.; -
Mitochondrial DNA control region variation in Lebanon, Jordan, and Bahrain
Zimmermann,B.; Sturk-Andreaggi,K.; Huber,N.; Xavier,C.; Saunier,J.; Tahir,M.; Chouery,E.; Jalkh,N.; Megarbane,A.; Bodner,M.; Coble,M.; Irwin,J.; Parsons,T.; Parson,W.; -
Modulation of Respiration and Mitochondrial Dynamics by SMAC-Mimetics for Combination Therapy in Chemoresistant Cancer
Hagenbuchner,J.; Oberacher,H.; Arnhard,K.; Kiechl-Kohlendorfer,U.; Ausserlechner,M.J.; -
No further evidence for paternal leakage of mitochondrial DNA in humans yet
Lutz-Bonengel,S.; Parson,W.; -
Performance of ancestry-informative SNP and microhaplotype markers
Cheung,E.Y.Y.; Phillips,C.; Eduardoff,M.; Lareu,M.V.; McNevin,D.; -
Pleading for adherence to the MIQE-Guidelines when reporting quantitative PCR data in forensic genetic research
Courts,C.; Pfaffl,M.W.; Sauer,E.; Parson,W.; -
Pomalidomide in primary intraocular lymphoma
Bohn,J.P.; Willenbacher,W.; Haas,G.; Peschel,I.; Oberacher,H.; Steurer,M.; -
Report from the STRAND Working Group on the 2019 STR sequence nomenclature meeting
Gettings,K.B.; Ballard,D.; Bodner,M.; Borsuk,L.A.; King,J.L.; Parson,W.; Phillips,C.; -
Resolving a 150-year-old paternity case in Mormon history using DTC autosomal DNA testing of distant relatives
Perego,U.A.; Bodner,M.; Raveane,A.; Woodward,S.R.; Montinaro,F.; Parson,W.; Achilli,A.; -
Resolving mitochondrial haplogroups B2 and B4 with next-generation mitogenome sequencing to distinguish Native American from Asian haplotypes
Wood,M.R.; Sturk-Andreaggi,K.; Ring,J.D.; Huber,N.; Bodner,M.; Crawford,M.H.; Parson,W.; Marshall,C.; -
SD quants-Sensitive detection tetraplex-system for nuclear and mitochondrial DNA quantification and degradation inference
Xavier,C.; Eduardoff,M.; Strobl,C.; Parson,W.; -
Second-generation immunomodulatory drugs in leptomeningeal myeloma
Bohn,J.P.; Willenbacher,W.; Peschel,I.; Oberacher,H.; Steurer,M.; -
State-associated changes in longitudinal [(18)F]-PBR111 TSPO PET imaging of psychosis patients: Evidence for the accelerated ageing hypothesis?
DePicker,L.; Ottoy,J.; Verhaeghe,J.; Deleye,S.; Wyffels,L.; Fransen,E.; Kosten,L.; Sabbe,B.; Coppens,V.; Timmers,M.; deBoer,P.; VanNueten,L.; OpDeBeeck,K.; Oberacher,H.; Vanhoenacker,F.; Ceyssens,S.; Stroobants,S.; Staelens,S.; Morrens,M.; -
The maternal inheritance of Alto Parana revealed by full mitogenome sequences
Simao,F.; Strobl,C.; Vullo,C.; Catelli,L.; Machado,P.; Huber,N.; Schnaller,L.; Huber,G.; Xavier,C.; Carvalho,E.F.; Gusmao,L.; Parson,W.; -
Tumor necrosis factor receptor modulator spermatogenesis-associated protein 2 is a novel predictor of outcome in ovarian cancer
Wieser,V.; Tsibulak,I.; Degasper,C.; Welponer,H.; Leitner,K.; Parson,W.; Zeimet,A.G.; Marth,C.; Fiegl,H.; -
[Genetics of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)]
Weiss,E.M.; Parson,W.; Niederstätter,H.; Marksteiner,J.; Lampe,A.;